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Executive and Non-Executive
Directors Programme

Introduction to the board

Introduction to the Board

3-Day accelerated programme

This course is an intensive introduction to the role of the Board and a testing and development of the skills of effectiveness. It is useful for both existing and new directors and non-executive directors.

Topics considered include:

The Board And Director’s Role In Strategic Decision Making

  • Approaches to decision making: techniques and tools for use
  • Creating a climate/culture which promotes and encourages open debate and discussion
  • Influences and considerations in decision making
  • Potential impact on all stakeholders
  • Corporate responsibility
  • Ethical consideratons
  • The appropriate evaluaton and management of risks associated with decisions
  • Identfcaton of conflicts of interest
  • The board’s dynamics and politcs; power, influence and conflict on the board
  • Types of decisions: ongoing day to day, crisis
  • Impacts of decisions: allocaton of responsibility for implementaton; communicatons with stakeholders
The Board and Director's Role in strategic decision making

The Board’s And Director’s Roles In Handling Crises

  • Processes and procedures are in place in readiness for crisis situations, which ensure business continuity
  • Board processes and practices are in place which maximise the possibility of potential crisis situations being identified and reputation/other risks being controlled.
  • Processes ensure clarity of responsibilities in crisis situations
  • Typical ‘crisis situations’, e.g. health and safety, IT infrastructure, security
  • Appropriate stakeholders are consulted, involved and communicated with in responding to crisis situations, e.g. special advisors, staff, customers, suppliers, media, investors
The Board and Director's Role in handling crisis

Reviewing The Effectiveness Of The Board’s And Directors’ Performance

  • Awareness of individual attributes of a director
  • Techniques and approaches for evaluating the effectiveness of the board and individual director (including the contribution of non-executive directors and board committees)
  • Communicating effectively with the board and providing feedback to enhance individual and board effectiveness/performance
Reviewing the effectiveness of the Board's and Director's performance

Programme Presenters

Stephen Richard Letza

Stephen Richard Letza

Professor of Corporate Governance

Dr. Leslie Spiers

Dr. Leslie Spiers

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